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of Rents of three [?unghill] fowls To be paid unto
of Rents of three [?unghill] fowls To be paid unto
him or his Heirs yearly and Every year by the
him or his Heirs yearly and Every year by the
Heirs or assignes [sic] of [Gered?] Ceartson Van Wagner
Heirs or assignes [sic] of [geret?] Ceartson Van Wagner
Deceased for an Acknowledgement of Rent
for a Lot of Sand [?] Conuvyed [sic] by Tjerck
Cleason Dewit deceased to the said [genot?] Carston
Van Wagener Deceased and also I give, and bequeath
unto my said son Andries all my Crop of Grain

Revision as of 14:52, 6 March 2021

My Negroe [sic] Slaves of Male and female and Also [underlined Negroe...Also] all my houses black Cattle, Sheep hoggs [sic] fowls and Also all my Waggons [sic], Slees [sic], Ploughs, [Herrows?] and all my other Farmers [?] mills unto me belonging and Also all my household goods and furniture and also all my other Personal Estate herein not partion [sic] lastly given and bequeathed To any other in this my last Will and Testament what I [me?y] or Shall Leave at the time of my decease and Further I Also give and bequeath unto my Said Son Andries and his heirs the Rent on Acknowledgment of Rents of three [?unghill] fowls To be paid unto him or his Heirs yearly and Every year by the Heirs or assignes [sic] of [geret?] Ceartson Van Wagner Deceased for an Acknowledgement of Rent for a Lot of Sand [?] Conuvyed [sic] by Tjerck Cleason Dewit deceased to the said [genot?] Carston Van Wagener Deceased and also I give, and bequeath unto my said son Andries all my Crop of Grain