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Brechgye the widow of Solomon Doyo deceased and to her heirs the sum of
Brechgye the widow of Solomon Doyo deceased and to her heirs the sum of
one hundred and fifty dollars to be paid by my Sons Jonas G. Freer and Mar-
<br>one hundred and fifty dollars to be paid by my Sons Jonas G. Freer and Mar-
-tinus G. Freer Viz- Jonas the Sum of one hundred dollars- and Martinus
<br>-tinus G. Freer Viz- Jonas the Sum of one hundred dollars- and Martinus
the Sum of fifty dollars to be paid by them respectively or by their respect-
<br>the Sum of fifty dollars to be paid by them respectively or by their respect-
-ive heirs Executors or administrators six months after my decease, Tenthly
<br>-ive heirs Executors or administrators six months after my decease, Tenthly
I give and bequeath To my Daughter Elshe the wife of Isaac Vanwagene
<br>I give and bequeath To my Daughter Elshe the wife of Isaac Vanwagene
and To her heirs the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars to be paid by my
<br>and To her heirs the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars to be paid by my
son Martinus G. Freer his heirs Executors or administrators six months after
<br>son Martinus G. Freer his heirs Executors or administrators six months after
my decease, Eleventh I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Margaret the
<br>my decease, Eleventh I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Margaret the
wife of Daniel Hasbrouck and to her heirs the Sum of one hundred and fifty
<br>wife of Daniel Hasbrouck and to her heirs the Sum of one hundred and fifty
Dollars to be paid by my son Jonas G. Freer his heirs Executors or admini-
<br>Dollars to be paid by my son Jonas G. Freer his heirs Executors or admini-
-strators six months after my decease, Twelfth It is my will and I do
<br>-strators six months after my decease, Twelfth It is my will and I do
order that my personal property shall be sold to the best advantage
<br>order that my personal property shall be sold to the best advantage
and the money arising therefrom shall be paid where I Do owe and
<br>and the money arising therefrom shall be paid where I Do owe and
are Indebted that in case my personal property shall be suficient
<br>are Indebted that in case my personal property shall be suficient
to pay all my just Debts that than and in such case my said Sons Jonas G.
<br>to pay all my just Debts that than and in such case my said Sons Jonas G.
Freer and Martinus G. Freer, shall pay each one half of the same which
<br>Freer and Martinus G. Freer, shall pay each one half of the same which
remains due and unpaid and I Do hereby charge them and their heirs
<br>remains due and unpaid and I Do hereby charge them and their heirs
Executors or administrators respectively with the same, And lastly I do
<br>Executors or administrators respectively with the same, And lastly I do
nominate constitute and appoint Philip Eltinge Jacob J Hasbrouck and
<br>nominate constitute and appoint Philip Eltinge Jacob J Hasbrouck and
Peter Lefever Jr. all of the town of New Paltz county & State aforesaid Exe-
<br>Peter Lefever Jr. all of the town of New Paltz county & State aforesaid Exe-
-cutors to this my last will and Testament hereby revoking and anul-
<br>-cutors to this my last will and Testament hereby revoking and anul-
-ling [sic] all former will or wills by me made and declaring this to be my
<br>-ling [sic] all former will or wills by me made and declaring this to be my
last will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set
<br>last will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set
my hand and Seal this Twentyeth [sic] day of July in the year of our
<br>my hand and Seal this Twentyeth [sic] day of July in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and four
<br>Lord one thousand eight hundred and four
Gerrit Freer (LS)
<br>Gerrit Freer (LS)
Signed, Sealed published and declared by the above men-
Signed, Sealed published and declared by the above men-
-tioned Garret Freer to be his last will and Testament in the
<br>-tioned Garret Freer to be his last will and Testament in the
presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names
<br>presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names

Latest revision as of 16:31, 4 April 2021

Brechgye the widow of Solomon Doyo deceased and to her heirs the sum of
one hundred and fifty dollars to be paid by my Sons Jonas G. Freer and Mar-
-tinus G. Freer Viz- Jonas the Sum of one hundred dollars- and Martinus
the Sum of fifty dollars to be paid by them respectively or by their respect-
-ive heirs Executors or administrators six months after my decease, Tenthly
I give and bequeath To my Daughter Elshe the wife of Isaac Vanwagene
and To her heirs the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars to be paid by my
son Martinus G. Freer his heirs Executors or administrators six months after
my decease, Eleventh I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Margaret the
wife of Daniel Hasbrouck and to her heirs the Sum of one hundred and fifty
Dollars to be paid by my son Jonas G. Freer his heirs Executors or admini-
-strators six months after my decease, Twelfth It is my will and I do
order that my personal property shall be sold to the best advantage
and the money arising therefrom shall be paid where I Do owe and
are Indebted that in case my personal property shall be suficient
to pay all my just Debts that than and in such case my said Sons Jonas G.
Freer and Martinus G. Freer, shall pay each one half of the same which
remains due and unpaid and I Do hereby charge them and their heirs
Executors or administrators respectively with the same, And lastly I do
nominate constitute and appoint Philip Eltinge Jacob J Hasbrouck and
Peter Lefever Jr. all of the town of New Paltz county & State aforesaid Exe-
-cutors to this my last will and Testament hereby revoking and anul-
-ling [sic] all former will or wills by me made and declaring this to be my
last will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set
my hand and Seal this Twentyeth [sic] day of July in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and four
Gerrit Freer (LS)

Signed, Sealed published and declared by the above men-
-tioned Garret Freer to be his last will and Testament in the
presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names