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<br>them as shall take upon themselves the execution of this my
<br>them as shall take upon themselves the execution of this my
<br>last will and testament or the survivor orsurvivors of them
<br>last will and testament or the survivor orsurvivors of them
<br>trustees for my said grand children Elizabeth Henrietta Up
<br>ton and Frances Mary Upton with full power and authority
<br>to receive manage and dispose of all and singular the
<br>real and personal estate herein before devised and be
<br>queathed to my said grand children for their benefit
<br>and behoof in such manner as they my said Executors
<br>shall in their discretion think proper Eighthly I do hereby

Revision as of 15:07, 10 April 2021

the said remaining ninth part thereof to my said eight
children above named to be equally divided between them
share and share alike their respective heirs and assigns forever
Provided however that my said sons John David Jamison
Jacob shall in such division of my estate respectively
have their election in the order above mentioned to take the
said farm whereon I now dwell in the said town of [?]
ington with the appurtenances as part of the share or portion
of him who shall so take the same on the terms and in the
manner above directed- Seventhly I do hereby [?]
and appoint my executors herein after named or such of
them as shall take upon themselves the execution of this my
last will and testament or the survivor orsurvivors of them
trustees for my said grand children Elizabeth Henrietta Up
ton and Frances Mary Upton with full power and authority
to receive manage and dispose of all and singular the
real and personal estate herein before devised and be
queathed to my said grand children for their benefit
and behoof in such manner as they my said Executors
shall in their discretion think proper Eighthly I do hereby