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his Heirs and Assigns for Ever All that a certain Lott of
his Heirs and Assigns for Ever All that a certain Lott of
Land on Hudson's River where on he now lives and in
Land on Hudson's River where on he now lives and in
his Possession scituate [sic] lying and being within the limits
and bounds of the New Paltz Patent aforesaid being the Lot
called and known by the Name of N10 in the Northern
Division up on Hudson's River within the New Patent
aforesaid and I have already in my Lifetime given
and granted unto my son Isaac by a Deed of Governance
a certain Lot of Land at Rochester in the County of Ulster
which makes him equal with the rest of my Children

Revision as of 19:29, 27 February 2021

forEver I also give devise and bequeath unto my Wife Esther my present Dwelling House in the New Paltz Town my Barn Garden Yard and home Lot belonging to the same and also the Pasture thereunto adjoining for her use during her natural Lifes time and after her Decease to be divided amongst my Children as I shall here after order and direct and I also give devise and bequeath unto my said Children (to witt) Abraham Louis Johannis Margriet the Wife of Mathew Lefever Maria the Wife of Abraham Lefever and Esther all my Lots of Land and Home Stead scituate [sic] lyeing [sic] and being within the Limits and Bounds of the new Paltz Patent laying on both sides of the Paltz River and non in my possession to them and to their respective Heirs or Assigns for [?ver] to be Divided amongst them in [?] equall [sic] Share and Share alike and I also give and devise unto my son Philip and to his Heirs and Assigns for Ever All that a certain Lott of Land on Hudson's River where on he now lives and in his Possession scituate [sic] lying and being within the limits and bounds of the New Paltz Patent aforesaid being the Lot called and known by the Name of N10 in the Northern Division up on Hudson's River within the New Patent aforesaid and I have already in my Lifetime given and granted unto my son Isaac by a Deed of Governance a certain Lot of Land at Rochester in the County of Ulster which makes him equal with the rest of my Children