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(Created page with "But if he should die without such Issue then the property to be <br>Equally divided between the rest of my Children Share and share alike <br>I tim It is also my will that my...")
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<br>hands the sum of three Hundred and seventy five Dollars which they
<br>hands the sum of three Hundred and seventy five Dollars which they
<br>must put out at Interest for such surety as the Judge to be safe
<br>must put out at Interest for such surety as the Judge to be safe
<br>which said Interest they are to pay yearly unto my Daughter Jane the
<br>wife of Jacob Hardenbergh, if said Hardenbergh should happen to die
<br>before my Daughter Jane than it is my will the money detaind [sic] in the
<br>hands of my Executors for the use of my daughter Jane shall be paid to hir [sic]
<br>with the Interest due But in Case she should dey [sic] first then the money to
<br>Be paid in Equal proportion to the Lawful Issue of my said Daughter Jane
<br>I tim the Risidue [sic] of my personal Estate to be Equally divided between
<br>my Childrin [sic] here after named (towitt) Josiah margrit the wife of Abraham
<br>Hargenbergh mary the wife of william [N???] Donal Hannah and Sarah
<br>each the one fifth part thereof to them and theirs heirs and Assigns forever
<br>And It is also my will that my Executors hereafter Named shall retain
<br>And first pay all my Just debts and funeral Chargis [sic] before any Divison
<br>is made of my personal Estate And I do hereby make ordain and appoint
<br>my wife Geertruyd my son Josiah and my suninlaw [son-in-law] Abraham J Hardenbergh

Revision as of 13:38, 6 April 2021

But if he should die without such Issue then the property to be
Equally divided between the rest of my Children Share and share alike
I tim It is also my will that my Executors shall also Detain in their
hands the sum of three Hundred and seventy five Dollars which they
must put out at Interest for such surety as the Judge to be safe
which said Interest they are to pay yearly unto my Daughter Jane the
wife of Jacob Hardenbergh, if said Hardenbergh should happen to die
before my Daughter Jane than it is my will the money detaind [sic] in the
hands of my Executors for the use of my daughter Jane shall be paid to hir [sic]
with the Interest due But in Case she should dey [sic] first then the money to
Be paid in Equal proportion to the Lawful Issue of my said Daughter Jane
I tim the Risidue [sic] of my personal Estate to be Equally divided between
my Childrin [sic] here after named (towitt) Josiah margrit the wife of Abraham
Hargenbergh mary the wife of william [N???] Donal Hannah and Sarah
each the one fifth part thereof to them and theirs heirs and Assigns forever
And It is also my will that my Executors hereafter Named shall retain
And first pay all my Just debts and funeral Chargis [sic] before any Divison
is made of my personal Estate And I do hereby make ordain and appoint
my wife Geertruyd my son Josiah and my suninlaw [son-in-law] Abraham J Hardenbergh