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Administration of all and Singular the Goods, Chattels and
Administration of all and Singular the Goods, Chattels and
Credits of the Said deceased and any way Concerning his Will
Credits of the Said deceased and any way Concerning his Will
is Granted unto Petrus De Witt and Andries De Witt the Execu=
=tors in the said Will named; being first duely [sic] Sworn well
and faithfully to Administer the Same, andto make and Exhibet [sic]
a true and perfect Inventor of all and Singular thesaid goods
Chattels and Credits, and Also to Render a First and True Account
thereof when thereunto Required. In Testimony whereof I have
[Ca?wed] the Prerogative Seal of the Province of Newyork to be
Hereunto affixed at the City of Newyork, the second day of
December One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Two
Jw Banyar Dseery

Revision as of 16:15, 6 March 2021

Robert Monckton Esquire Captain General and Governor in Chief in and Over the Province of Newyork and the Territories developing thereon in America Vice Admiral of the Same and Major General of his Majesty's [Forees?]

To all to whom these presents Shall Come on May Concern Greeting

Know Ye, that at Ulster County on the Twentythird day of October Last, before Petreis [Ex????] [? 2 words] There unto Delegated and Appointed, the Last Will and Testament

of Tjerck De Witt [underlined] deceased (a Copy whereof) is hereunto Annexed

who proved, and is now Approved, and Allowed of by me the Said deceased having whilst had lived, and at the time of his Death, goods, Chattel, and Credits within this province, by me [?] Whereof the proving and [underlined] registering the Said Will and the Granting Administration of all and Singular the Said goo[ds] Chattels, and Credits, and Also the Auditing Allowing and form[ally] Discharging the Account thereof doth belong unto me and that Administration of all and Singular the Goods, Chattels and Credits of the Said deceased and any way Concerning his Will is Granted unto Petrus De Witt and Andries De Witt the Execu= =tors in the said Will named; being first duely [sic] Sworn well and faithfully to Administer the Same, andto make and Exhibet [sic] a true and perfect Inventor of all and Singular thesaid goods Chattels and Credits, and Also to Render a First and True Account thereof when thereunto Required. In Testimony whereof I have [Ca?wed] the Prerogative Seal of the Province of Newyork to be Hereunto affixed at the City of Newyork, the second day of December One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Two Jw Banyar Dseery
