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<br>Frances Mary Mpton who are the Children of [Hranas?]
<br>Frances Mary Mpton who are the Children of [Hranas?]
<br>Uppton deceased their respective heirs and assigns forever
<br>Uppton deceased their respective heirs and assigns forever
<br>in manner following that is to say one ninth part there
<br>of to each and every one of my said eight Children a
<br>bove named his or her respective heirs and assigns fore
<br>ver And the remaining ninth part thereof to my said
<br>grand children above named to be equally divided
<br>between them share and share alike their respective heirs
<br>and assigns forever; But ni [sic] case either of my said grand
<br>children shall die within the age of twenty one years with
<br>out leaving lawful Issue then I hereby give devise and be
<br>queath the whole of the said remaining ninth part
<br>thereof to the survivor of them her heirs and assigns for
<br>ever And in case both my said grand children shall
<br>die within the age of twenty one years without leaving
<br>lawful Issue then I hereby give devise and bequeath

Revision as of 14:55, 10 April 2021

the appurtenances shall then be divided together with my other
estate as herein after directed among my children and grand
children herein after named their respective heirs and assigns forever
Sixthly I do hereby give devise and bequeath all the residue
of my estate both real and personal whatsoever [strikethrough] ^whomesoever [sic] the same
[may?] be and also after the decease of my said wife all the
real and personal estate and premises with the appurtenan
ces above devised and bequeathed to her during her natural
life unto my following children and grand children to wit
unto my said sons John, David Jamison, and Jacob, my
daughters Cornelia the widow of Gulian [Rr?] Planek deceas
ed Mary the widow of John Allen deceased Elizabeth the wid
ow of Eliot Salten deceased Magdalew and Euphamia
and my grand daughters Elizabeth Henrietta [Wptow?] and
Frances Mary Mpton who are the Children of [Hranas?]
Uppton deceased their respective heirs and assigns forever
in manner following that is to say one ninth part there
of to each and every one of my said eight Children a
bove named his or her respective heirs and assigns fore
ver And the remaining ninth part thereof to my said
grand children above named to be equally divided
between them share and share alike their respective heirs
and assigns forever; But ni [sic] case either of my said grand
children shall die within the age of twenty one years with
out leaving lawful Issue then I hereby give devise and be
queath the whole of the said remaining ninth part
thereof to the survivor of them her heirs and assigns for
ever And in case both my said grand children shall
die within the age of twenty one years without leaving
lawful Issue then I hereby give devise and bequeath