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In the name of God amen I Garret Freer of the town of New Paltz in the county of Ulster and State of New York being in aweak State of body but of sound and perfect mind and memory, blessed be almighty God for the same, But considering the moortainty [sic] of this mortal life and for sel- -ling and disposing of worldly affects Do make and constitute this my last will and Testament in manner following Viz! First I give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife Mary one Bed & Bedstead with all the Bedding and fur- -niture thereunto belonging and also the sum of Fourteen pounds of lawful money of the State of New York To be paid to her yearly and every ^year during her natural lifetime by my seven Children hereafter named Viz! Jonas G. Freer, Martinus G. Freer, and my Daughter Catharina the wife of Jonathan Lefever, Mary the Wife of Martinus Freer Jur, Brochgye the widow of Solomon Doyo de- -ceased, Elshe the wife of Isaac Vanwagner and Margaret the wife of Daniel Hasbrouck that is to say that each of my aforesaid seven Children or their respective, Heirs Executors or administrators shall pay the sum of Five dol- -lers yearly and every year during her said lifetime, Secondly I give unto my oldest son Hugo G. Freer the sum of one shilling to be paid by my Son Jonas G. Freer, his heirs or assigns He having his share herafter [sic], Third I give devise ad bequeath, unto my Two Sons Jonas G Freer and Martinus G Freer, and to their respective Heirs and Assigns for ever, All my Real Estate which I have in the Pattent [sic] of New Paltz or else where together with all the buildings and appurtenances thereon as is herein after partiuler speci- -fied, fourthly that is to say I give devise and bequeath unto my said son Jonas G Freer and to his Heirs and Assigns for ever, The northerly most one Equal half part of the Lot and farm I now live on- from the west end of the said Lot and Lands of Marbletown, Easterly through the middle of the said Lot, and farm unto the devision [sic] fence between the Eastern most field on said Lot or farm- and also the Southermost [Southern most] half of said Lot from said westerly fence of the Eastermost [Eastern most] field westerly the full breath of said Lot unto the new fence standing on the side hill to the westward and nearly in range with a Large Rock lying on the South side of the publick [sic] Road, and on the south side and nearly joining the fence of Lephania Bidsall near