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Gonninis [upsideown] Eighty three Pounds of Good and Lawfull [sic] Money
of the Provence of New York for the sound Mary Share
Out of the Real Estate And then all the Rest of the
Personal Estate of the said Isaac Lefever Deceased
To be Equally Devided [sic] Amongst the s.d. Mary Lefever four
Children Petrus Johnnes Daniel & Mary. In Witness
Whereof I the said Mary Lefever have hereunto [Sel?] my
Hand & Seal Dated this Twenty fith Day of Aprill [sic]
In the Year of Lord one thousand seven Hundred and fifty three

Mary M Lefever

Sealed and Delivered
In Presents of
Mathew Allen
Elizabeth [Brneoy?]

Ulster County fo. Be it. Remembred [sic] that on the Seventh Day of
November. In the Year of our Lord one thousand Seven
Hundred and Seven to one personally appeared. before
Me DineP. Wynhoop Junr. Esq. one of the Judges of the
Count of [Conemon?] & be as for Said County. Else be the
[Vernoy.?] the New. Wife of Patrus Lefever whomd [sic]
being Duly Sword on the Holy Evangelist of Almigh
ty. Saith. that. She Saw. Mary Lefever partey
To the Within Deed [illegible- strikethrough] Sign Seal and
Deliver the Same as her Volentary [sic] [apt?] and deed-
for the Wfe [sic] therein. Mentioned and that have of aim
[Matt??iw] all on Subscribed their Names thereto
as. Wittnesses [sic] and [illegible] have & answered the Same and
find No [?negures?] or [Intenbinations?] therein Whasefore [whatsoever]
I. Do allow the Same To Be Recorded-
D: Wynhoop Junr