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Then changeable with the same and also the residue and remainder of my real and personal Estate which I have not already devised and bequeathed I as hereby give and devise the same unto my Daughter Catherine aforesaid her heirs and assigns forever. And Lastly I as hereby make ordain and appoint my Son in Law Mathu =salem Dubois and my friend Peter Lefever Junr. and the Survivor of them to be Executors of this my Last Will and Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto Let my hand and Seal the Day and year above written- Margaret + Bevier L.S. her mark

Signed sealed published and} declared by the said Margaret} Bevier as her Last Will and Testa} =ment in the presence of us who were} present at the signing and sealing Theus [sic]} Jacob J Schoonmaker.} Mathusalem Dubois Junr.} Abm. J Hardenbergh.}

Ulster County fs: Be it remembered that on the Seven teenth day of December in the year one thousand eight hun dred and six personally came and appeared before me Daniel Brodhead Junior Surrogate of the said County Mithusa =lem Dubois Junior and Abraham J Hardenbergh, who being duly sworn on their Oath declared that they did see Margaret Bevier sign and Seal the written writ ten dcotunment [document?] purporting to be the will of the said Margaret Bevier, beaing [sic] date the ninth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and five, and heard heim [sic] publish and declare the same as and for her Last Will and Testament, that at the time thereof she the said Margaret Bevier, was of sound disposing mind and memory to the best of the knowledge and belief of them the Deponents