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Acr of July 14, 1862, and July 25, 1866. CLAIM FOR WIDOW'S PENSION WITH MINOR CHILDREN [?EF] in the case of Ann Oliver Richard Oliver, Private Co K. 20th rgt U.S. Col. Trps. Resident of Ulster County and State of N.Y. Post Office address: New Paltz, N.Y. DECLARATION AND IDENTIFICATION IN DUE FORM PROOF EXHIBITED. Service. The [?] General reports Richard Oliver [?w?lled] Dec 30, 1863; mustered in [?] 9 1864; and on [ma?te?] ant wll. dated N. Orleans, La, Oct 7 1865 he in [?] present, and mustered out with Company, with the remark, "Discharged given Oct 7 1865, with view to payment [? 2 words] to state" Death. The late Captain of the Company G. [?] Mathew Solow [?] on board the Steamer Northern Light Oct 25, 1865, of Malarial Fever, [?] before hi [sic] discharge, and his [?] of July Marriage: Jan 1 1854 Richard Oliver and Ann Johnson [?] of the daughter of [?] J.P. who performed the ceremony. He is living but of [?] and mead, as his daughter [?]. He made no [??nd] Names and date of birth of children. Maggie birth June 1 1855 who will be 16 years old May 31 1871. Jane, Henry birth Mar 21 1857 who will be 16 years old Mar 20 1873 [Eepy afft of ??dow?] Proof of ages. [Afpdant?] of attending [Mr dinfe?], who to who, [?] New month and year [?] but not [?] the day of New Month Loyalty. Deelaned by Clt Agent and his P.O. address. O.P. [Capent??], Highland N.Y. Issue certificate for Eight dollars per month, commencing Oct 25, 1865, and two dollars per month additional for each of the above-named children, commencing 25 day of July 1866. F.D. Wilson. Examiner. Passed Nov 20., 1868. Certified [LASM?]