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Cornelius Lowes & Christina his wife as Adw[?d] [underlined]

of the Estate of Cornelius T. Jansen Dec. d [underlined]

To the Heirs of said Cornl. T. Jansen [di?] [?]

To Amt. of articles on the [S???entory]

not recounted for - 665.2.6


April 15th. To 16yrs. 4 months 15 days Int [interest] on above - 763.01.00

To Amt. of articles sold at public [N???ue]

13. [^ no words just the symbol] [Ata?ch] 1797 at 6 months Credit not

included in the above. -142.6.2


April 15. To 16 yrs & 7 mnths Int. above - 165.3.10 [underlined]


1 negro man named Claus

Sold to Simeon Depuy -130.0.0

1 negro boy named Frank sold to E. Foot -50.0.0

1 ._.._ Wench named Rose sold to Joh. Robinson -50.0.0

1 Blk house sold to David Decker -16.0.0

1___ Do [o underlined] called Noble sold to Mich. Jansen - 32.0.0


April 15. To 16 yrs 4 mths + 15 days Int. on the

five last charges - 353.0.10 [underlined]

6 61 0 10

One Bond against David Green for £ 80 dated

July 5t. 1796. pay able 9th. April. 1800 with

lawful Interest from the date - 80.0.0


April 15 Lo 17yrs. 9.10 days Int - 103.11.2 [underlined]

183 11 2

One Sealed note against s. Green Apr. 361.

dated July 6. 1796 -1.16.0


April 15. Lo. 17 yrs. 9mnths. 10 days Int - 2 04 [underlined]

4 0 0

1 note against [Jacobus Vanduly?] for £3

dated July 18th. 1784 - 3.0.0


Apl. 15 To. 30 yrs & 2 months Int - 6.6.8 [underlined]

9 6 8 [underlined]

2593 12 2