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Then changeable with the same and also the [residue?] and remainder of my seal and personal Estate which I have not already devised and bequeathed I as hereby give and devise the same unto my Daughter Catherine aforesaid her heirs and assigns forever. And Lastly I as hereby make ordain and appoint my Son in Law Mathu =salem Dubois and my friend Peter Lefever Junr. and the Survivor of them to be Executors of this my Last Will and Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto Let my hand and Seal the Day and year above written- Margaret + Bevier L.S. her mark

Signed sealed published and declared by the said Margaret Bevier as her Last Will and Testa =ment in the presence of us who were present at the signing and sealing [Theu??] Jacob J Schoonmaker. Mathusalem Dubois Junr. Abm. J Hardenbergh.