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will and Testament devised and bequeathed Beet only by the consent and approbation of my said Sons Abraham Johannis and my son in Law Mathew Lefever to be Signified by them or the Major part of them under their hands and Seals by the Survivours [sic] and Survivour [sic] of them and such Deed or Bill of Sale so made and executed by them shall be good in Law and the Money ariving [sic] by any such Sale shall be applied by my said Sons and son in Law To and for my said son Louis maintainance [sic] And further it is my intent and meaning And I doe order and [dired?] if any of my Lands which I have deveid [divided] to any of my Children should be taken from them by due Course of Law And in Case if any ^such thing might happen than it is my will and order that all my Children who are in quiet Possession of the rest of my Estate [are?] Devised by me shall make up an Equivalent [?] of my Estate for the Less of such part or parts of Land