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My Negroe [sic] Slaves of Male and female and Also [underlined Negroe...Also] all my houses black Cattle, Sheep hoggs [sic] fowls and Also all my Waggons [sic], Slees [sic], Ploughs, [Herrows?] and all my other Farmers [?] mills unto me belonging and Also all my household goods and furniture and also all my other Personal Estate herein not partion [sic] lastly given and bequeathed To any other in this my last Will and Testament what I [me?y] or Shall Leave at the time of my decease and Further I Also give and bequeath unto my Said Son Andries and his heirs the Rent on Acknowledgment of Rents of three [?unghill] fowls To be paid unto him or his Heirs yearly and Every year by the Heirs or assignes [sic] of [geret?] Ceartson Van Wagner Deceased for an Acknowledgement of Rent for a Lot of Sand [?] Conuvyed [sic] by Tjerck Cleason Dewit deceased to the said [genot?] Carston Van Wagener Deceased and also I give, and bequeath unto my said son Andries all my Crop of Grain now by me in my house Bard, Barrick or in the Mill and also all my Crop of wheat Rye or Other grain now growing on my Land and there= =with pay my Funeral Charges and all my Just and Honest Debts, and if my said Crops of grain Should fall short to pay and discharge my Funeral Charges, and my Just and honest debts Then I do hereby Order and direct that my Said Son Andries Shall pay the Same out of my Other personal Estate to him by me given and Bequeathed and also I will and bequeath unto my
