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Whatsoever unto the Said Several pieces or parcels of Land Belonging To have and to hold the Said Farm Lands and Roads hereditaments and premisses [sic] with the Appurtenances unto my said son Andries his Heirs and Assigns To the only proper use benefit and behoof of my said Son Andries his heirs and Assigns forever, In Trust Nevertheless and it is my Will and devise that my Well beloved wife Deborah [underlined Well...Deborah] is to Live and remain in the now dwelling House of mine with my Said Son Andries [underlined Said...Andries] andto be main= =tained by him during her natural Life Out of my Estate, to him by me above bequeathed and devisd [sic] but in Case my said wife doth not Chuse [sic] to live and Remain in the House with my said Son Andries and [underlined not...and] will go Elsewhere that then and in Such Case it is my Will and desire that my said Son Andries his Heirs and Assignes [sic] Shall yearly [underlined] and Every [underlined] year [underlined] well and Truely [sic] Pay on [Couse?] to be Paid unto my Said wife Deborah during her Natural Life Time Out of my aforesaid Farm Whereon I live and not here above [Devesect?] and bequeathed unto my Said Son Andries the Sum of Six Pounds [underlined Sum...Pounds] Current money of Newyork and I do hereby will and bequeath this to her for her Maintenance with what I Shall here after give and [underlined what...and] bequeath unto her to [beinSien?] of her dower and I do hereby make that part of my Estate herein before Devised To my said son Andries [underlined] Chargeable [underlined] with the Maintenance of my said Wife Deborah [underlined] or the payment of the Sum of Six pounds yearly [underlined Six...yearly] and Every year during her natural Lifettime [sic], So as the Same is above Ordered directed and afso [sic] I Give and bequeath unto my said Son Andries all My


[underlining not by original scribe]