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- Amount brought forward 224.00
- 2 old casks 30
- 1 old bolster & 2 pillows 2-
- 1 set of Harnefs good 12
- 1/2 of a small cheese 50
- ½ of 7 U of thread 19.50
- 2 of a small [?] .75
- A cask 2 some s[?] 2-
- 2 do 4 bit of salt 12/ 2-
- A screen for cleaning grain 3-
- A lot of leather 7-
- A basket with aled[?] divided 25
- Two hold’s - 12/ Loop works &/ 2.50
- 1 small scoop ladle & bellows 75
- 20 bags x divided 6.75
- ½ Bushel clover 6-
- ½ Of a small bag with some coton 19
- 2 center b[?] & buchhorn & counter band 25
- 2 chairs 3.50
- A lot of farming tools 5-
- A lot of old iron 1.25
- [illegible, crossed out] 2.50
- 4 cow bells 2-
- A bread tray 50
- 2 old Hog heads 3/ V 1/2 some bran . 2/ 62
- 4 cask 4/ and 1/2 of some flour 12/ 2~
- 1 yoke of oxen at John Barns 55~
- 2 barrels 12/ & 2 the Vinage 20 4~
- 2 [illegible] 12
- 2 Tubs 12
- 12 old Casks 2-
- 5 bushels buck wheat 3
- About ½ bushel foul wheat 25
- About 20 bushel oats 8.75
379=99 ½