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State of New York } County of Ulster } SS.

On this 17th day of January 1868 before me A. V.N. Elting, a Justice of the Peace within and for said County, personally appeared Mary B. Galisbee [sic] who being by me duly sworn deposes and says that she is the daughter of the Justice of the Peace who solemnized the marriage of Richard Oliver to Anna Johnson both of the Town of Hurley in said County that her father the said justice is childish and of un -sound mind and memory and therefore not com -petent to swear to the said marriage that he made no record of said marriage, that she was present and saw her father the said Jus -tice perform and marriage ceremony that she is the only witness living that was present that said Richard Oliver was married to said Anna Johnson on the 1st day of January 1854 at her father’s house in the Town of Hurley in said County and State New York. That she is in no matter interested in the pros -ecution of this claim. Mary B. Gillispie

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of September 1868 and I certify that the affiant is worthy of belief, that I am not interested in this claim. And I hereby certify that the word “Johnson” blotted and written over before execution.

A.V.N. Elting, Justice of the Peace.