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that my said Executors and Executrix shall in convenient Time after my Decease first pay and discharge all my just Debts and funerall [sic] Charges. In Witness whereof I hereunto put my hand and Seal the Day and Year first above written Samuel Bevier (SS) Memorandum the words or the Syllable(ing) being interlined in the first Sheel [sic] in the thirty eight Line between the words (be) and (the) and in the second Sheet the name (Johannis) in the tenth Line is interlined between the Names of (Louis) & (Philip) and in the eighteenth Line the word (same) is interlined between the words (the) & (may) in the second Sheet also the word (Children) anthe [sic] end of the thirty fourth Line is interlined and in the third Sheet in the second Line next following the word make is a [Kazaxe?] made being all done the Executo[rs] thereof Signed sealed put [tished?] and declared by the within named Samuel Bevier as his last Will and Testament in the Presence of us who Subscribed our Names here to in his Presence Louis Ex [strikethrough] Bevier, Jacob Hasbrouck Junr, A. Hasbrouck.

New York Secretary's Office 11th November 1772 the aforewritten is a true Copy of the Record in Lib Wills N:22 page 306Xca.
