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Their Father in his lifetime his Share and
Proportion of my Estate, af[f strikethrough]lso I give devise and
Bequeath unto my Son Petrus [underlined] all that parcel of
Land unto belonging Scituate Lying and
being in Dutches County [2 underlined] in the province of New
York In a Certain Tract of Land Commonly Called
and known by the Name of Pawlings Purchase [2 underlined]
(alias) Staatsburgh as the Same is Conveyed tome [sic]
by Sunday Conveyance Together with all buildings
Houses, Barns, Barracks, Orchards, Gardens, Here=
=ditaments and Appurtenances Whatsoever unto
the Several Lotts within the Said Tract unto me
belonging, To haveand [sic] to hold the Several Lotts
on parcels of Land within Said Tract unto my
Son Petrus [underlined] his heirs and assignes [sic] to the only Proper
use benefit and behoof of my Said Son Petrus his
Heirs and Assignes [sic] forever)(Also I give devise and bequeath
unto my Son Andries [underlined] all and Singular my Farm
Whereon I now hive [sic] Scituate Lying and
Being within the Corporation of Kingston on both
Sides of the Esopus Creek (that is to Say) all my
Lands which I have not Already Conveyed
unto my Son Henry [underlined], As Also I give devise and
Bequeath unto my Said Son Andries [underlined] the Road
that Leads to and Over the high Bridge on both
Sides of the Esopus Creek [underlined Road...Creek] with the Same Previledges [sic]
as I have Besowed [sic] and Accepted by Said deed of
Conveyance To my said Son Henry, Together with
allbuildings, Houses, Barns, Barracks Orchards
Gardens Hereditaments and Appurtenances


[underlining not original]