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My Said Wife Deborah all Such household Goodsand
Furniture She had and brought with her at the time
I Marryed [sic] to her [underlined household...to her] To be for her Use and disposal afso [sic]
I will and bequeath unto my Said wife During her
Natural Life time My negro Wench named Diane [underlined negro...Diane]
and after my Said wifes decease if the negroe [sic] Wench
is still Living She Shall then Assain [sic] Descend to my son
Andries His Executors Administrators or Assignes [sic] [underlined Assain...Assignes]
and to his or their proper use benefit and behoof forever
And I give and bequeath unto my daughter Neeltje [underlined]
the wife of Samuel Stout [underlined] the Sum of Ten pounds [underlined]
Newyork money to be paid unto her by my Executors
hereafter named in this my last will and Testament
Out of the Legacy which is bequeathed unto me by the
Last Will and Testament of my Son John DeWit deceased [underlined Legacy...deceased]
if my Said Executors Receive any part thereof for
I do Order it to be paid unto of Said Legacy and not
Otherwise, And Also I give and bequeath unto my
Grand daughter Ann [underlined Grand...Ann] the wife of Richard Stout [underlined]
the Sum of Ten pounds Newyork Currency to be paid to
her or her Respective heirs by my Executors herein
after named as aforesaid Out of the Legacy to me
bequeathed by my Son John DeWit Deceased [underlined Son...Deceased] if my
Said Executors Receives any part of Said Legacy and
not otherwise as Abovesaid and also I give and
bequeath unto my three Grand Children the Children
of Wessell Jacobson Ten Broek [underlined three...Broek] by my daughter
Neeltje [underlined] by names (Jacob, Tjerck and Elizabeth) [underlined Jacob...Elizabeth]
the Sum of Two hundred pounds Newyork Cur=
=raney [sic] that is to Each of them the Sum of Sixty Six
Pounds Thirteen Shillings and four pence [underlined Sixty...pence]


[underlining not original ]