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forever All that part of my farm within the Tract
granted to Lewis Dubois wich [sic] lyes [sic] on the Weste=
=rly side of the Wallkill with the buildings and
improvements thereon Also all that small lot of
land lying within a Tract granted to Hendrieus
Dubois and Cornelius Schoonmaker Junr. adjoin=
=ing the Tract granted to Stephen Dubois being
part of a lot of Seventy four Acres formerly of the
said Hendrieus Dubois and others Also my
Clock all my farming Utensils all my horses all
my Cattle and Sheep which I leave at the day of
my decease Also I give devise and bequeath unto
my son William and to his heirs and Assigns forvr [forever]
all that part of my said farm within the said
Tract granted to [illegible] Dubois lying on the
Easterly side of the said Wallkill with the
buildings and improvements thereon. Also I
give and bequeath unto my said three sons
Cornelius William and Philip and to them in
fee simple each an equal share of all my right
in and to the lands within the Rochester patent
Also my seats or pews in the dutch Church in
the Vilage [sic] of New Paltz Also I give unto my
daughters Caty and Geertreuyd unto each of
them the sum of fifteen hundred dollars to be
paid by my Executors out of my personal Estate
after my just debts and funeral charges first