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having been paid that is one half one year after
my decease and the residue two years after my
decease. Also It is my intent and meaning that my
said two sons William and Philip shall find
provide and allow unto my said wife for and
during her widow hood a decent maintenance
and Support in meet drink board Lodging was=
=hing Clothing house room and all necessaries
Suitable and convenient for a person in her
Station all which I give and allow unto my
said wife in liew [sic] of her right of dower Also all
the residue of my Estate both real and personal
which remains after my just debts and funeral
charges and the legacies herein bequeathed being
first paid out of the same I give [illegible]
unto all my child[ren] [illegible] to their heirs and
[Assigns] forever each an equal share thereof
And lastly I do nominate and appoint my said
sons Cornelius William and Philip to be executors
to this my last will and Testament In Witness
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal
the day and year first above Written
Mathusalem Dub[ois]

Signed sealed published and declared}
by the said Mathusalem Dubois as and for}
his last will and Testament in the presence}
of us who subscribed our names thereto as}
Witnesses in the presence of the Testator and}
of each other}

Jacob [?] Schoonmaker
Benjamin Drake
Abm. J. Hardinbergh