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In the name of god Amen I Cornelius Dubois Junrz [sic]
of the Town of the Newpaltz County of Ulster and state of Newyork
Being of perfect mind and memory (blessed be god therefore) make
this my last Will and testament and dispose of the worldly Estate
where with it haspleased god to bless me, in the following
manner First I give divise [sic] and bequeath unto my Loving wife,
Geartruyd the use And Insum of all that farm now accupyed [sic] by
Abraham palmation in the town of the Newpaltz for and during the time
She Remains my widow, and after hir [sic] widowhood to my Son Josiah to him
and his Heirs and assigns forever, Also I give unto my said wife
Three Horses three Cows two Oxon five Sheep five Hogs hir [sic] Choice
of my slaves, two of them one wagon and all the Tacklings [sic] thare [sic] unto
Belonging one plow one Harrow with the tackling [sic] there unto belonging
which said, My said wife shall chuse [sic] out of my Personal estate before
any division or sale is made of any of it And also so much houshold [sic]
furnature as she judges to be needful for hir [sic] to keep house with, the
Said personal property I give to hir [sic] and to hir [sic] Heirs and assigns forever
also it is my will and meaning that my Executom [sic] shall pay unto my
Said wife within one year after my deceas [sic] Two Hundred and fifty Dollars
Current money of this state, Itim [sic] I give unto my Son Josiah all
My Real Estate which I hold by Deed or otherwise to him and his
Heirs and assings forever, Itim [sic] Since it is my opinion that my
son Cornelius is not capable of transacting or takin [sic] care of his own
besiness [sic] it is my will that my Executors Shall retain out of my personal
Estate Seven Hunred and Fifty Dollars in their hands before my
Division is there made to be by them used for and towards a support
And maintainance [sic] as they thinek [think it] proper for the support of my said son
Cornelius, If he should leave any Lawful Issue form his own
body The property left for his support not spent to be Equally
Divided between such Issue