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rected Provided nevertheless that no part of the real or person
al estate herein devised or bequeathed to my said wife as a
foresaid shall be sold or conveyed during her natural [strikethrough] life
time without her approbation and consent And provided
also that no such sale shall be made of the said farm
whereon I dwell ni [sic] case either of my said sons ni [sic]
the order of prefference above directed shall elect to take
the same on the terms and ni [sic] the manner above directed
Ninthly and lastly- I do hereby nominate constitute and
appoint my said sons John, David Jamison and Jacob Ex
ecutors of this my last will and testament hereby utterly
annulling and revoking all former wills and testaments by
me made whatsoever and ratifying and confirming this
and no other to be my last will and testament. In testi
mony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
my seal the twenty first day of December in the year of
our Lord one thousand even hundred and ninety nine
David Johnston {LS} Signed sealed published and decla
red by the testator as and for his last will and testament
on the day and in the year therein mentioned In the pres
ence of us- (an erasure being first made in the twenty
sixth line in the 2d. page from the word "be" to the end
of the line) who at his request have subscribed our
names as witnesses thereto Roger Southerland John Smith Lewis Southerland
Dutchess County fs Be It Remembered that on the nine
teenth day of April one thousand eight hundred and
nine personally appeared before me James Tallmadge
Jun Surrogate of the said County Roger Southerland
who on his oath declared that he did see David
Johnston sign and seal the annexed within Instru
ment purporting to be the will of the said David John