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Being prepared and rolled in flour, and applied to the

stump, the flour being applied to stop the weeping
of some of the small Bloodvessels. The tourniquet being 

(loosened immediately after the tying of the arteries)

a compress was applied on the lint and six, slits of [strikethrough] 

linnen of about one Inch & ½ inch wide and long enough

to reach from one side of the arm to the other, they 

being spread at each end with adhesive plaster, and then a roller round the arm. He took some wine before the Operation, and that evening took 40 drops of Laudanum, the Tourniquet was kept on slightly compressing the arm, 24 hours after the Operation applied a large Poultice to soften the dressings and promote Suppuration ba (?) hours after the operation it was dressed, with some Basilic ointment and, dressed everyday with the same till his arm was healed, the Inflammation of the arm was inconsiderable, likewise the fever about a week after he took elix^r Vitriol, and Chamomile Tea 3 times a day, and after that some Backs. [sic] merely[?] to keep up the excitability of the system and took nourishing food and in six weeks from the time he was Operated upon the wound

was entirely cuatorized [sic]. 

J. Bogardus He complained of no pain, after the operation and [strikethrough] [strikethrough] during all the time after the Operation.