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A true and perfect Inventory of all the goods, chattels and credits whereof Cornelius Dubois Jun. late of Newpaltz in Ulster County died seized off made the 3rd day of April in the year of our lord One Thousand Eight hundred & Sixteen 1816

   #25 value of stones in here (in pencil, later addition?)


Tar Barrel and Tar tub with tan | 50
Jar tate Barrels 1 | 25
One Soap Through sope[soap?] 1 | -
One Sauce Cask with [souce?] 2 | -
One Churn & Water chipper _ | 50
2 Sope Troughs & sopes 1 | 75
Lashs 1 | 25
½ of two Hhds[hogsheads] Cider. $H 12 | -
5 Hhds Empty 7 | -
4 Empty Barrels 2/- 2 Hhds & a Barrel 2 | 12
2 Tumes[?] containing about a $3.00 Cider 4 | -

about 4 Gall. Whisky - $4 - 2 empty Cider bottles $1.50 5 | 50

1 Keg containing about 5 Gall. Grape Cider 3 | ~
2 -do- and ½ of Gall. Current Wine 5 | 75
½ of Bush. Apples 1016(?) 1 | 31
3 Empty Casks - | 50
½ of a lot pickled Cabbages 50 - | 50
1 firhin(?) 30 bents - 1 Empty Juice 12 cents - | 42
½ of a Barrel Pork 12 | 50
½ of A Lot of potatoes 7 | 50
½ of a lot of sassages and tub 3 | -
                               $ 72 = | 3.