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Amount brought forward 1762 2 1/2

cockel live-ware 1 50
4 Trammels & Croe bar[sic] 4 50
1 Tongs 50
1 brass p[strikethrough] pan 1 50
1 Iron do [“ = Ditto] 1 25
1 Cheese Knife 12c
4 Smothing[sic] Irons 1 50
Lanthern[sic] old 12c
a lot tools s-
2 Kitchen Tables old 25
4 Do [“] Chairs 50
Gridiron 25
15 puter[pewter] plaits 62 1/2
5 Large puter[sic] Dishes 4 50
3 puter[sic] Basons 1 30
3 old puter[sic] plaits[plates] and 6 puter[sic] spoons 50
2 Tin Basons and 2 Tin dippers 1
1 Tin pan skimmer and funnel & qurt[sic] Measure 75
2 Earthen dishes (Corse)30
1 pepper Mill 75
1 Iron ladle 2 wooden ladles & 1 wood bowl 1 Box with knives & forks
3 Earthen pitchers 25
1 Basket with tea ware 87 1/2
11 Earthen plaits 88
12 Do Do [“] 1 20
7 soop[sic] plaits 25
6 Green Edge soop[sic] plaits 2 sas cups 54
2 ovel[sic] Dishes 50
2 Round Do [“] 25
1 Basket with Caney 50
1 Lot Large Earthen dishes 75

Continued $ 179 69