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Amount Brought Forward

$ Cents
1796 99 1⁄2
Shuger[sic] cups & 2 Milk pots 25
1 Large Earthen Bowls with small crockery specticles[sic] & case 36
12 Dining Blue Edge plaits 96
8 small Do[“] Do [“] 50
12 Chaney teas 2 00
1 Tin Bread Basket & Tin Coffee pot 1
1 Bowl with sundreys 25
1 Brass Candle stick 50
12 table spoons 1 50
1 puter[sic] Dipper 50
4 Iron Candle sticks 62 1/2
14 Silver tea spoons & shuger[sic] Tongs 12 00
1 Ink Bottle with neatsfoot oil 25
1 Tin Toster 25
1 Corner Cosett 5 00
2 Tin torches Horns 25
1 pair Hand Irons shovel & Tongs 4
1 Iron Crobar[sic] 1
1Gun 4
1Looking Glass 3
1 Tea Table 2
1 Chist[sic] of drawers with the contints[sic] 10
1 Lots Books 3
1 Wooden Clock & Case 30
1 Dining Table 4 50
1 Garden hoe & sheet Iron 25
1 Double Hitchel 5
1 Buroe[sic] 8 00
1 Looking Glass 1
1 Lot Earthen 1
4 half paint Tumblers & wine glasses 87 1/2
2 Decanters 25

Continued 1902 31 1/2