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Little Britain April the 5 1797 Honor’d father I received your dutch letter In which I was ^informed of the ill state of health of my friends at Naponah [Napanoch] which gave me some anxiety to hear from home by your last letter which I received yesterday I had the pleasure to hear they are recovered It’s has been very sicly [sic] here of late and is yet of a great many people die of different disorders the most common is the pleurisy and inflammation in the head betsey and my uncle talk of going to New york some time [sic] this Month he says he will stay at home the middle of april and will be very glad to see you and bring you him some money Which you mention in your dutch letter he says he wants ^it at that time I have spent my time Very agreeable here though I am not tired yet I Very much for home I wish you would come ^to me in the Waggon If you conveniently can to take me home I have done spinning here If you come I wish you would bring Ten pound hetchel’d flax through the nine hundred that is as much as I have spun for betsey wants it for they have all Theirs spun the girls would willingly bring me home if it was convenient but they don’t know how their chairs and waggon is out of repair I am your affectionate daughter Elizabeth DeWitt