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Their Father in his lifetime his Share and
Proportion of my Estate, af[f strikethrough]lso I give devise and
Bequeath unto my Son Petrus [underlined] all that parcel of
Land unto belonging Scituate Lying and
being in Dutches [underlined] County [underlined] in the province of New
York In a Certain Tract of Land Commonly Called
and known by the Name of Pawlings [underlined] Purchase [underlined]
(alias) Staatsburgh [sic] as the Same is Conveyed tome
by Sunday Conveyance Together with all buildings
Houses, Barns, Barracks, Orchards, Gardens, Hare=
=diaments [sic] and Appurtenances Whatsoever unto
the Several Lotts within the Said Tract unto me
belonging, To haveand to hold the Several Lotts
on parcels of Land within the Said Tract unto my
Son Petrus [underlined] his heirs and assignes [sic] to the only Proper
use benefit and behoof of my Said Son Petrus his
Heirs and Assignes [sic] forever)(Also I give devise and bequeath
unto my Son Andries [underlined] all and Singular my Farm
Whereon I now hive [sic] Scituate Lying and
Being within the Corporation of Kingston on both
Sides of the Esopus Creek (that is to Say) all my
Lands which I have not Already Conveyed
unto my Son Henry [underlined], As Also I give devise and
Bequeath unto my Said Son Andries [underlined] the Rond [Road?]
that Leads to and Over the high Bridge on both
Sides of the Esopus Creek [underlined Rond...Creek] with the Same Previledges [sic]
as I have Besowed [sic] and Accepted by Said deed of
Conveyance To my said Son Henry, Together with
allbuildings, Houses, Barns, Barracks Orchards
Gardens Hereditaments and Appurtenances


[underlining not original]