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My Said Wife Deborah all Such household goodsand Firniture [sic], She had and brought with her at the time I Marryed [sic] to her [underlined household...to her] To be for her Use and disposal also I will and bequeath unto my Said wife During her Natural Life time My negro Wench named Diane [underlined negro...Diane] and after my Said wife decease if the negro Wench is still Living She Shall then Assain [sic] Descend to my son Andries [?] Executors Administrators or Assignes [sic] [underlined Assain...Assignes] and to his or their proper use bequeath and behoof forever And I give and bequeath unto my daughter Neeltje [underlined] the wife of Samuel Slout [underlined] the Sum of Ten pounds [underlined] Newyork money to be paid unto her by my Executors hereafter named in this my last will and Testament Out of the Legacy [underlined] which is bequeathed unto me by the Last Will and Testament of my Son John DeWit deceased [underlined is...deceased] if my Said Executors Receive any part thereof for I do order it to be paid unto of Said Legacy and not Otherwise, and also I give and bequeath unto my grand daughter Ann [underlined grand...Ann] the wife of Richard Stout [underlined]