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In the name of god Amen I Cornelius Dubois Junrz [sic]
of the Town of the Newpaltz County of Ulster and state of Newyork
Being of perfect mind and memory (blessed be god therefore) make
this mu last Will and testament and dispose of the worldly Estate
where with it haspleased god to bless me, in the following
manner First I give divise [sic] and bequeath unto my Loving wife,
Geartruyd the use And [Inum?] of all that farm now accupyed [sic] by
Abraham Palmation in the town of the Newpaltz for And during the time

She Remains my widow, And after hir [sic] widowhood to my Son Josiah to him

And his Heirs and Assigns forever, Also I give unto my said wife